
Amber‘s delivery story

I was reading my post about Ashton‘s deliveries stories and realise i should probably blog about Amber‘s delivery story too so that i can read it again in the future.

We thought Ashton‘s delivery was fast, Amber‘s was even faster.
We had an unplanned home birth with no assistance, it was a 30 minutes labour. My water broke at 4.15am while i was in bed,i had a sharp painful contraction when that happened (signalling the start of labour). The contraction was so intense and developed so fast that i couldn't even clean myself up properly with water being broken. Next thing i know there was a lot of pressure, something very similiar to what i experienced with Ashton so i know things were happening fast. I had 4 hours with Ashton so you would think i had atleast 1 hour this time,or atleast time to get to the hospital since we only live 5 minutes away, but no, Amber was born at 4.49am. Luckily we stayed put and luckily the delivery was straight forward because Frank had to be the midwife and catch the baby as she literally slipped out of me. The midwife arrived 10 minutes after we delivered her ourselves. It was quite a morning for all of us.
Ashton slept through everything and he even slept in and woke at 8am the next morning to a brand new sister next door with mummy in mummy and daddy's room.
We thought Ashton‘s labour and delivery story was impressive, Amber‘s definitely topped that!

She was born 20 days before due date, definitely a lovely surprise for all of us that morning!

Our beautiful Amber

Its a quiet night, hubby has gone out fishing with the boys, as i sit here on the couch cuddling her, i can feel her breathing against my chest, there is just so much love for her. We named her Amber so that she is a gem, like her mother.

I feel so so terribly lucky to have 2 beautiful healthy children, both alive and well, healthy and strong, close to me.
I can't help but think of those people i know who experienced infertility, who experienced loss by miscarriage and loss of their child by death. It is something i do not wish upon anyone, and something i never ever want to go through myself, i cannot imagine the pain they go through as parents.
We have 2 beautiful children, planned and very successful pregnancy, with smooth deliveries. I am terribly thankful for that. I wish my children will continue to grow healthily and our family will always be united and be together.

Things you do when you are sleep deprived but still love your 4 week old honey bun so much and let her snuggle on your chest while you sit alone and cherish every single moment you have with her because they sure don't stay baby for very long.
Second time round, i know now all this sleep deprivation is temporary and so so worth it.


Home alone

This is the first time in a long time that I do not have my boy with me AND I am not working. Usually when I am not working I am staying home with my son.

It has been more than a year since I updated this blog.
I guess from now on the posts will be even rarer since we will be having baby number 2 in a few months time.

I was reading the last few posts I did when Ashton was a newborn.. it brings back so many memories. I wish I could continue to blog about these moments, but I am afraid I am way too busy being a mum and getting the house and family in order.

Maybe the next time I have a rare opportunity like this again where I am home alone with no kids or husband, I shall blog again.

Actually, I have a whole list of things to do.. including my professional developement. So I better go.

All I want to say is, I am so glad I have a beautiful little family, and a growing baby in my belly. I know we are lucky that our family planning is going to plan.. We just want another healthy baby and continue to grow as a family.

Oh I miss my boy.
Better cherish the few more hours I have on my own and get some things done.


Motherhood for 4 months

Ashton turned 4 months today. My baby is growing so fast, I know people say that all the time how fast babies grow, but seriously, in the last 4 months,  I have been very privelleged to witness my child grow, from a newborn who can barely see, to an infant who is grasping and batting his toys and trying to eat everything. Just a few days ago, he started rolling over from back to tummy.

As i watch him kick his little legs excitedly on the floor, and waving his arms like he is swimming in air, i realise he is no longer the immobile baby i had just a few months ago, soon he will be strong enough to push himself up, and then crawl and off he goes!

I must say, those sleepless nights, nights where i held him to sleep all night and day, the constant cluster feeding days, and all he does is eat sleep poop days seem to have faded away in my memories. It has only been 4 months but it feels we have had him in our lives for so long. He is constantly growing and changing, so fast that sometimes i wished i was writing everything down everyday because i forget, and i can't remember every single details, he grows so fast that i am constantly trying to keep up i forget the days when he was so little. Well being sleep deprived doesnt help with my memory either but my point is, one day, i am going to forget all these moments of him as a young young baby, because every day there is something new to learn about him, and there will only be more to come to keep me busy, for his entire life. Heck, he doesn't even look like how he looked when he was born anymore, he is starting to show his features, and his personality is shining through too.

Although he has only been in our lives for 4 months, my love for him has grown so so much, I am still coming to terms of being a mum, getting used to calling this little human being my child, my son, but yet, I have fallen inlove with him so deeply, like he has been in my life forever.


Being a mother

As you fall asleep on my chest, I can't keep my eyes off you, I watch you doze off, with your head flopping off my shoulder, your triple chin and tiny mouth slightly open, those long eyelashes of yours, I wonder who you got that from. You snore so slightly, making some cute noise as you sleep. I took a sniff of your head, oh your hair is so soft, and the smell, nothing beats a baby's smell.
I tried to imagine you five weeks ago, how did you fit in my belly, did you really come out of me that morning, birth is such a magical thing.
I wonder what you will be like when you grow, I am still waiting for that voluntary smile, when will you roll over, be strong enough to lift your head to see the world, will you like the toys we have for you? Will you enjoy our bedtime stories? When will you crawl, when will you run, there are so much I can't wait to do with you. You are part of our lives now, you made us a family.
Five weeks have gone by so quickly, I watch you grow every single day, realise you will not stay a baby for very long, I want you to grow well and healthy, and be independent and strong, yet I want you to be my baby forever, so that I can smell your little head and kiss your little fingers, comfort you when you cry and nurse you till you fall asleep.
Every single day, I fall inlove with you again and again, how can someone so little bring so much emotion and love. Mother instincts, I never knew how strong it can be until I become a mother myself. Every little thing about you is perfect to me, you are like a little angel. The faster you grow, the stronger my love for you grows. Being a mother is a blessing, and an experience like no other, I amaze myself everyday how much love I can have for you.


One week old Ashton

Ashton is 1 week old today, i can't believe just one week ago we were in the delivery room pushing him out into this world. The feelings you develop for your child is so special, its like a mixture of excitement, happiness, worry, protective instinct and lots and lots of love.

The labour was not as bad as i had thought it would be, after hearing stories from other people about how traumatising deliveries can be, I was prepared to use whatever pain killer available once i was allowed, however, i didn't end up using anything i planned to use and i had a natural delivery, and it only took 4 hours from the first painful contraction till i had him in my arms. The nurses thought i had deliveries before and most were surprise he was my first born.

Anyway, despite a quick and smooth delivery, Ashton had a rough start to his life, on the day 3 after we were discharged from the hospital to go home, he developed a fever and was rushed back into the hospital that afternoon. Infact we are still at the hospital as i type this. He developed a chest infection, doctors suspected he got infected in the womb or during delivery due to my water breaking without me knowing when, so he could've been exposed to infection by the time i went into active labour.

Anyway, we are finally finished with the last dose of antibiotic this morning, and I am hoping we can finally go home for good today.


Baby due date

So baby is supposed to be due today according to the doctors anyway, but mummy and daddy is still patiently waiting for his arrival.
Wonder when he will finally comes...
I'm getting quite restless and bored at home, and feeling rather unmotivated lately.